Located between the Terminal Main Access Road (arrival side) and the Midfield Service Road, this structure provides Airport Operations Center and Emergency Operations Center functions for the New Indianapolis International Airport.


  • A 9,400-square-foot hardened core that houses personnel and equipment critical to the operations of the airport during emergencies

  • A core designed and detailed to withstand a direct hit from an F-4/EF-5 tornado (250 mph wind speed) along with the additional recommendations included in FEMA 361, which provides suggestions for the design of severe weather shelters

  • Support offices not critical to emergency operations designed to more conventional design standards to provide a more economical design

  • Curving, narrow 230-foot long exposed reinforced concrete roof slab mimicking the wings of an airplane, resting atop a high-volume clerestory running the length of the building

  • Architecturally exposed steel structure inside the building and a pair of tree-like steel columns outside the building’s main entrance that support the roof

Size | 15,350
Constructed | 2008
Awards | 2009 ACEC Merit Award, ACEC Indiana Engineering
                Excellence Awards